Former Michael Myers Daeg Faerch Is Lost in the Forest of Fear

Rob Zombie’s choice to give Michael Myers a backstory and show us some of his childhood was certainly not a wise decision (neither was putting his wife on a white horse in the sequel), when one of the things that made John Carpenter’s original Halloween so damn haunting was the fact that we knew next to nothing about the man behind the mask.
But you have to admit that one of the best things about Zombie’s remake was the performance of Daeg Faerch as the teenage psychopath because it’s not often that a kid can truly scare the shit out of you.
Faerch, now 20, will star in the upcoming film Forest of Fear, which will be shot in the creepy Black Forest of Germany. He’ll play a fame-obsessed YouTuber who tries to become an instant celebrity by venturing into the ominous woodland and shooting a viral video, but well… it’s a horror movie set in a forest so you know what’s gonna go down.
John Lepper, who goes by Johnny Macabre, will direct; and the film currently needs an extra boost on Indiegogo before it goes ahead.