Superfan Selling Authentic Texas Chainsaw Massacre III Replica Saws

I think that it’s an accurate observation to say that the Texas Chainsaw Massacre series declined significantly in quality with each installment. British film critic Kim Newman famously said that the second film was so inferior to its predecessor that despite coming from the same director, it seemed like it had been made by someone who had never even seen the original.
As for the third film… well, let’s just say that Viggo Mortensen’s career has seen better days. And I don’t even know what to say about the damn Bridget Jones vs. Leatherface fourth movie.
So yeah, the later films aren’t great, but one fan named Neil Olivier apparently likes number three so much that he set up his own website about it, full of info which comes only from credible sources. Pretty cool, huh? Well, get a load of this too: He’s created replica chainsaws from the film, which promise to be 100% identical to the ones onscreen.
The majestic Excalibur saw costs a whopping $2,000, whilst the more modest Skin and Bone one sells for $800. Because of their meticulous designs, you’ll need to wait for two months after making to purchase for them to arrive.
These are replica saws, based off of the Chainsaws used in the film, not actual screen-used saws.
Each Excalibur saw is numbered and comes with an engraved label attached along with a C.O.A. and instructions. Each limited edition saw, or Skin and Bone saw, is also numbered on the bottom of the body.
Every Excalibur is made exactly like the film’s saws were made… real saws, real brass, real rivets, real chrome. Every Skin and Bone saw is matched as closely as possible to the few remaining photographs of the saw.
Pricing is as follows and subject to change:
A running Excalibur chainsaw complete with engraved bar – $2,000 +shipping
A running Skin and Bone saw complete with bar and chain – $800 +shipping
Prices are for complete saws from top to bottom. A 50% nonrefundable deposit is required to be accepted to the wait list. The wait list is approximately 2 months from the day you make a deposit. Saws sold by me are 100% screen accurate to the film-used saws, correct model with correct hardware.
Contact [email protected] to purchase a saw – or use the form on the contact page.