Ghostbusters – The Official Jillian Holtzmann Kids Halloween Costume Will Warm Your Heart

Whether you hated the film, loved it, or refuse to even watch it, we hope you at least appreciate the fact that Paul Feig’s Ghostbusters reboot has given the kids of today their very own team of ghost-slayers to look up to. Particularly for little girls, the film is nothing short of a gift, so it really doesn’t matter what miserable old farts like myself think of it. For the record, I thought it was fun.
Of course, no new character steals the show quite like nuclear engineer Jillian Holtzmann, played by “Saturday Night Live’s” Kate McKinnon. Even the reboot’s most ardent haters can’t deny that McKinnon is the highlight of the whole damn thing, her performance so wildly lovable that it and it alone makes a good case for the film existing.
It doesn’t require rocket science or Kreskin-like powers to glimpse the near future and predict that Holtzmann will be one of this year’s most popular Halloween costumes, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see even grown men attending parties as their new favorite Buster. As for the kids, we cannot wait to hand out candy to pint-sized McKinnons.
So then. Will there be an official Holtzmann Halloween costume this year? Your damn right there will be!
We did some digging and discovered that is already offering up Ghostbusters reboot Halloween costumes, and Holtzmann is getting several different costumes: one for young girls and three for adult females (standard, deluxe, and plus-size versions). A Jillian Holtzmann wig is also being sold separately.
Check out all of the heartwarming goodies below!