Motion Picture Purgatory: Street Trash

Who doesn’t love to revisit a cult classic every now again? Certainly not Trembles as this week he takes a look at an old favorite: J. Michael Muro’s Street Trash from 1987.
According to Roy Frumkes, author of the screenplay, “I wrote it to democratically offend every group on the planet, and as a result the youth market embraced it as a renegade work.”
When a liquor store owner finds a case of “Viper” in his cellar, he decides to sell it to the local hobos at one dollar a bottle, unaware of its true properties. The drinks causes its consumers to melt, very messily. Two homeless lads find themselves up against the effects of the toxic brew, as well as going head to head with “Bronson” a Vietnam vet with sociopathic tendencies, and the owner of the junkyard they live in.