Oh the Horror! Twilight’s Kristen Stewart Being Considered for the Martyrs Remake?

Our blood has officially just run cold. Ice cold. Hollywood has been talking about a remake of the French horror phenomenon known as Martyrs for a long time now, and while the prospect of it happening is chilling in and of itself, some recent chatter has proved to be the most horrifying news yet!
Steady yourselves …. steady … okay.
FEARnet recently caught up with Twilight producer Wyck Godfrey, who revealed to the website/network that they have a leading lady already in mind for the upcoming American remake … Kristen Stewart.
“I would love for Kristen to do it,” says Godfrey. “We’re doing it for an American audience with an American cast. The [Mark L. Smith] script we’ve written for it is awesome.”
“I love that movie,” he continues, “[although] I think it’s not remake-able in its form for an American audience. But the core elements of it are fascinating. I love the cult and what it’s about, and I’m also obsessed with the nature of childhood friends — growing up when one doesn’t believe the other one and the corruption between that. I’m excited.”
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