#SDCC16: New Videos Give a Taste of the Teen Wolf Interactive VR Experience

On Preview Night of the 2016 San Diego Comic-Con, we got to check out the “Teen Wolf” Interactive VR Experience and shared our thoughts with a minimal amount of spoilers for those of you at SDCC who have yet to swing by MTV’s Booth #3729. For the rest of you who don’t have that chance, here’s a taste of what the VR Experience was like.
“Teen Wolf” returns this November for its sixth and final season.
First we travel into the tunnels:
What are we hiding from? Why can’t we look at it? Lydia, what are you talking about? What will you do when the Wild Hunt is after you and there’s nowhere to hide? You decide!
Then we hit the library:
What is happening? Why is everything disappearing? If you don’t help the Pack quickly, you can kiss your friends goodbye.