Neveldine and Taylor Might Crank Ghost Rider’s Chain

Finally a bit of news that may excite some of you about the potential Ghost Rider sequel Columbia is desperate to get off the ground before the November 14th deadline when the character rights will reportedly revert back to Marvel/Disney. The guys behind the Crank films and Gamer are reportedly in talks to direct the sequel that may or may not star Nic Cage that most moviegoers may or may not go see.
The Hollywood Reporter’s Heat Vision Blog has the exclusive word that Mark Nevaldine and Brian Taylor are in early negotiations to direct Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, the sequel to be based on a still under wraps story by David Goyer. Nicolas Cage is also said to be in early negotiations to return to the role of jacked-up motorcycle stuntman turned hot-rodding flame skull supernatural avenger. Columbia has its heart set on an early fall start date for the film, the necessity for which was explained in a previous story this past May.
The Crank guys would be a good choice if Columbia wants to save money on special effects since Neveldine/Taylor’s love for extreme shaky cam and split second hyperactive editing should make so much of the action indiscernible they could film a flaming mannequin riding a burning Vespa being pulled on a string and you’d never be able to tell what you’re actually seeing.
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