Remembering Lou Gentile – See The Paranormal Investigator’s Final Project Now
June 28th marks the one-year anniversary of the death of paranormal investigator, and my good friend, Lou Gentile. There was just nobody like him, man, and when he finally succumbed to cancer, not only did I lose one of my dearest friends, but the field of paranormal research lost one of its biggest assets. Before he died, though, Lou worked on a TV show that was shot for the UK called “Derren Brown Investigates”. We now have the program for you to see in its entirety.
The show popped up on YouTube recently, and Lou’s wife, Antoinette, was kind enough to alert us to its viewing availability. Even though Mr. Brown seems to have less of an open mind and more of a need to try and discredit anything that’s brought before him, we can’t think of a more fitting way to celebrate Lou’s legacy than an hour spent with him while he’s doing what he loved to do the most. Sit back, relax, and take the journey.
Lou, I love you, brother. Now and always. Save us all a comfy cloud to sit upon. Miss you more than words could ever articulate.