Who Goes There Podcast: Episode 77 – Stranger Things Episodes 1-4

With Ghostbusters in theaters and the drama cooling down, there’s something new on everyone’s lips. No, not Comic-Con, (but we’ll get to that)… we’re talking about the new Netflix Original, sci-fi/horror/drama “Stranger Things.” Rather than trying to cram 8 hours of content into an hour show, we’re exploring the first 4 episodes this week and the latter half next episode.
Like Sergeant Harry Wells, we’re cramming it all in there! We do a brief San Diego Comic-Con wrap-up, fanboy on Castlevania, get our first glimpse at some new Cenobites, and talk about a new fuckin’ Blair Witch film and a less than exciting “The Exorcist” TV show. If that’s not enough, we explore what Bill Hicks would think about Pokemon Go, “Bates Motel” gets cancer, and we hang in the garden with The Cure.
If Little Red Riding Hood should show up with a bazooka and a bad attitude, I expect you to chin the bitch; it’s the Who Goes There Podcast Episode 77. See you next Tuesday… cunts.
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