New Hatchet Army and Jack Chop T-Shirts On Sale NOW

Attention Hatchet fans — the official second edition Hatchet Army T-shirts are now available for purchase, and since we know how much you love flying your freak flags, we figured we’d point you in the right direction.
To get your hands on on them now, simply click on the image below. Also on sale there are the official Jack Chop t-shirts. Ok, so we’re fuckin’ lying. The Hatchet Army t-shirts are no doubt cool, but this whole story was cooked up mainly so we could run the Jack Chop video again.
What can we say? That shit still makes us laugh. Ok then, sample the goods below, purchase some stuff if you’re so inclined, and remember “You ain’t got time ta be cahvin a motherfahkin pumpkin, kid”!

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