Phantasm: Ravager Finally Being Released in September?

Before 10 Cloverfield Lane and Blair Witch surprised the hell out of us, fifth franchise installment Phantasm: Ravager similarly came out of nowhere with the promise of a film we totally weren’t expecting. But that was back in 2014, and in the two years since, we haven’t heard much about the already-shot film. So where the hell is it?!
We still don’t have a release date, but Dread reader Justin S. just tipped us off to something that we found quite interesting. Over on the Facebook page for the Monster-Mania Convention, it was just announced that Reggie Bannister had to cancel his appearance at the September/October show, and promoter Dave Hagan explained why.
“Just got word today that Reggie Bannister has to postpone his appearance at MMCON35 due to the release of PHANTASM 5 in LA the same weekend as our show,” Hagan wrote, indicating that the new film will finally be hitting theaters during the weekend of September 30th.
“Phantasm 5 is coming out the same weekend as MMCON35,” Hagan later clarified in a comment.
Ravager features Reggie Bannister in his decades-long pursuit of the malevolent Tall Man, and it forces him to finally confront the mysteries at the heart of the Phantasm saga. The entire original cast is back, including Michael Baldwin, Bill Thornbury, Kat Lester, and the late Angus Scrimm, along with some great new characters.