Exclusive Final Beyond Red Band Trailer Debut and Images: 2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams

The third time is the charm for Tim Sullivan and his maniacs as we’ve gotten our claws exclusively into what is now known as the “final beyond red band” trailer for you lovable loonies out there!
But first — a note from Tim:
“Calling All Maniacs-
To quote MJ- THIS IS IT! Yup, we’ve given you the green band trailer, the red band trailer, the BEYOND UNRATED director’s trailer.
Well, now – here it is – the one you have been waiting for —
Me and my pal Adam Robitel, who edited the film (along with starring as Mayor Buckman’s sheep shagging son Lester), spent the last week whipping up something real nasty and tasty.
We really shot the load on this one. Time to work ya’ll up into a lather for the DVD release from First Look Studios a mere four weeks from today, July 20th.
Once again, this is NOT SANCTIONED by First Look. And once again, this is NOT SAFE FOR WORK! Heh heh …
Get ready for lots of big surprises coming up in the next couple weeks …
Mad Maniac Love to all of you,
Tim Sullivan”
The flick stars Bill Moseley, Lin Shaye, Nivek Ogre, Courtney Peldon, Ashley Peldon, Adam Robitel, Ahmed Best, Trevor Wright, Andrea Leon, Ryan Fleming, Dylan Edrington, Christa Campbell, Amy Baniecki, and Tony Todd. Look for the DVD and the Blu-ray on July 20th from First Look Studios. The film’s soundtrack, a perfect companion, will be available the very same day.
When this year’s round of unsuspecting Northerners fail to show up for their annual Guts ‘N Glory Jamboree, the residents of Pleasant Valley take their cannibalistic carnival on the road and head to Iowa, where they encounter spoiled heiresses Rome and Tina Sheraton and the cast and crew of their “Road Rascals” reality show. Performing “The Bloodiest Show on Earth”, our Southern Maniacs prove more than ratings killers in what John Landis has called “one of the rare sequels that surpasses the original”.
Please Note:
This trailer is in no way official and is to be thought of as another ‘fan video’ unsanctioned by First Look Studios.
Also be on the look out for some HUGE NEWS concerning 2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams that will be coming from Dread Central VERY SOON.
Enough talk! Dig on the new official NOT SAFE FOR WORK goodies below. And we ain’t shittin’ you either. Like the others it’s really NOT SAFE FOR WORK. You’ve been warned. Again. Don’t blame us if you really do get shit-canned this time once and for all.
“FIELD OF SCREAMS editor Adam Robitel in his off hours.”
“Say hello to Bucky (Bill Moseley) and Granny (Lin Shaye).”
“Harper Alexander (Kevin “Ogre” Ogilvie) plays doctor.”
“Rufus (Christopher McDaniel) takes a bite out of Falcon.“
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