Latest Sales One-Sheet: The Experiment Remake

Man, Adrien Brody is everywhere right now, and good for him! His latest film, the Paul Scheuring directed remake of Das Experiment (review), called simply The Experiment, has gotten itself a new sales one-sheet and we have every pixel of it for your perusal!
Dig on it below after the break.
A remake of the powerful German thriller Das Experiment, in which 26 men are chosen to act the roles of guards and prisoners in a psychological study. Values are tested and lines are crossed when seemingly normal participants are pushed to the breaking point as the experiment spirals out of control.
The Experiment stars Adrien Brody, Maggie Grace, Forest Whitaker, Clifton Collins, Jr., and Cam Gigandet.
Brody portrays the de facto leader of the prisoners while Whitaker plays a guard who’s corrupted by the power he’s given. If you’re unfamiliar with the actual Stanford Prison Experiment on which the film is based, click here to read all about it.
Look for more soon.

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