Let Her Out Trailer Unleashes Evil Vanishing Twin

Hot on the heels of recent Fantasia fave Bed of the Dead (review) and this week’s home release of Bite (review), comes Let Her Out, the latest venture from the ever-creative minds at Black Fawn Films.
Let Her Out marks director Cody Calahan’s departure from his Antisocial franchise to serve up an equally unsettling premise, all the while firmly grounding the scares by setting things against an urban backdrop so as to invoke “a slow-building anxiety attack” in audiences.
Penned by Adam Seybold and starring Alanna LeVierge, Nina Kiri, and Adam Christie, Let Her Out tells the tormented tale of young bike courier Helen (LeVierge), who finds herself suffering sudden inexplicable blackouts and hallucinations. It’s not long before she discovers the horrific truth that it’s actually a benign tumor causing her symptoms, but that’s the least of her worries: The sarcoma is actually the remains of her “vanishing twin sister” that was absorbed in utero.
Her evil twin has been cooped up way too long and wants out of her cage; she starts urging Helen to act out her psychotic plan, putting everyone in Helen’s midst in danger.
Commenting on the film in a recent interview with Dread, Calahan stated, “The vanishing twin story the film is inspired by is a real thing and actually a lot more common than people think. It’s a crazy high percentage of people who actually lose one of their twins in the first stage of pregnancy, and it’s usually absorbed into the mother but it can be absorbed into the other child. It’s pretty intense stuff to begin with so at first we didn’t really know how to approach it because we started doing research and it was like, “Oh my God! I don’t even know how to step into this.” But I think we found a different way to look at it rather than taking the super medical approach in the end.”
In anticipation of Let Her Out‘s world premiere this August 25 at The Horror Channel FrightFest in London, the first trailer has finally been released, which you can savor below. And, in case you missed it, you can also check out the complete Let Her Out interview with Calahan here.