Mark Wahlberg Will Soon Be the Victim of a Home Invasion

If you’re going to break into someone’s house, it’s probably wise that you don’t choose Mark Wahlberg’s. Why, you ask? Because there’s a good chance he can kick your ass. In any event, Wahlberg will indeed fend off home intruders in Paramount’s thriller Home Invasion, and you can read on for all the details.
As reported by The Tracking Board, Home Invasion will re-team Wahlberg with Contraband scribe Aaron Guzikowski, who also penned Prisoners and the upcoming new installment in the Friday the 13th franchise. In addition to starring, Wahlberg will produce with Stephen Levinson through Leverage Management.
Wahlberg will play a contractor whose artist wife suffers from an illness that prevents her from being in the sunlight and, as such, he builds a futuristic house that blocks out natural light. When a band of criminals attempts to break into the house to steal one of his wife’s valuable sculptures, he must evade and outsmart them to protect his home.
The film was pitched as Panic Room meets Die Hard.