Find Haunted Places by Taking a Ghost Tour on Your iPhone

It’s happened to just about everyone who has a deep love for the unexplained and a fancy for the supernatural. You’re spending your time either driving or even just chilling out, and the thought occurs to you … “I wonder if there’s any place around here that’s haunted.” Now, thanks to a new mobile application you can easily find out! Get ready for Ghost Tour!
First … the boilerplate info!
“Want to go on a ghost hunt? Ghost Tour locates haunted places near you. Learn the horrific and sad stories of ghosts who walk the U.S. and Canada. See and share photos and first-hand accounts of ghosts and paranormal experiences. Explore haunted mansions, hotels, asylums and cemeteries. Who is the Lady in Red? Where is the Ghost Ship of Bathurst Bay? Where did the Headless Monk lose his head? Prepare for a wild trip through the weird world of the undead!”
As an admitted lover of all things ghostly, believe me when I tell you, kids … if you’re at all into the supernatural and feel the need to investigate the kinds of things that normal people would run screaming from, then Ghost Tour is nothing short of a must-have app to help you find all of those places that go bump in the night!
Click here to download Ghost Tour via iTunes. At just $.99 for all this spooky, how could you resist? Be sure to visit Ghost Tour online for more information.
Dig on some screen grabs below. See you on the road!

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