James Wan Offers Quick Mortal Kombat Update

James Wan is a busy cat these days, but IGN caught up with him recently to find out about the next Mortal Kombat film that he’s signed on to produce.
“It’s still cooking away,” Wan tells the site. “With that particular project, that’s a really cool property that I loved growing up as a kid. Besides the game, even the movies as well, I kind of enjoyed them for what they are.”
Wan added, “The key here is to try and do it right. I don’t want to rush into it. So right now, we’re just trying to take our time to make sure it’s heading in the right direction. I think that’s more important than trying to rush through it and pump up something that no one likes.”
“I love the characters. I think they’re such colorful characters. It’s such an amazing take on, basically, Enter the Dragon. It’s that fantasy version, the video game version, of Enter the Dragon. And in doing so, they ended up creating such interesting characters, and I think that is such a cool world to explore. This really mythical, bigger world that lives on another dimension on top of ours. I think that’s really fun to play with, and so we’ll see.”
Stay tuned, kids!