The Most Haunted Hotel in New York Welcomes Guests in The Gasp Menagerie

Just how haunted does a place have to be to be considered the most haunted hotel in a state like New York?
Pretty damn haunted, apparently, because the Shanley Hotel has the reputation of being downright crowded with ghosts.

The Shanley Hotel
Sitting in Napanoch, NY, on the edge of the Catskills, the Shanley was built in 1895 and is named after its most famous and successful owner, James Shanley, who bought it in 1906.
At this point, I suggest a drinking game. Every time you hit something in the rest of this history lesson that sounds like prime material for a haunting, take a drink.
Shanley was an Irishman who was born on Halloween. He was a popular and well-loved man who served his community well and engaged in quite a bit of philanthropy. He also befriended the Roosevelt family, with Eleanor being a frequent guest and the Shanleys frequent guests at the White House.
Other than the Halloween bit, not too bad, right? Here we go…
Starting as early as 1911, plenty of people have died in or near the hotel. A little girl down a well. An influenza victim. Mrs. Shanley had three children… who all died within nine months of birth. As part of “serving the community,” the hotel served prohibited liquor during prohibition, eventually putting Shanley up on charges. Oh, and did I mention the second floor became a bordello for some time? Apparently there are still bullet holes in some of the walls, just a remnant of how wilds things got at times.
After Shanley’s death, the hotel continued under other owners, but it apparently started falling into hard times in the 70’s, when reports of vandalism, drag racing, and drinking plagued the area around the hotel, causing an increased police presence. Finally, in 1992, it was abandoned… and it stayed that way till 1995, when Sal Nicosia bought and restored it.
During all that time missing persons, rumors of murders, and general ghost-causing shenanigans went on.
If you played along, you’re likely too drunk to finish reading this.
Reported paranormal events include children running up and down the stairs, giggling little girls, pokes and prods to get your attention, cold and warm spots, even full-form apparitions in attire resembling fashions in the early 1900’s all the way to the 1960’s.
Sal Nicosia restored the interior of the hotel to a period look matching the glory days of the Shanleys’ ownership. Unfortunately, Sal passed away at 71 in July of this year, but his fiance, family, and the hotel staff are keeping the place open.
Yes, YOU can stay the night here on the weekend of your choice! You may have to sign a waiver and deal with some noisy previous guests, but there haven’t been any reports of negative or violent actions by spirits so you should be safe. You just might not get much sleep.
Book your stay at The Shanley Hotel site, and return to The Gasp Menagerie soon for more spooky stuff!
Explore The Gasp Menagerie!
Have a weird story? Potential evidence of the supernatural, or at least something hard to explain? Spot any creepy critters out there roaming the wilds? LET ME KNOW! I’d love to talk about it and possibly write it up right here in the Gasp Menagerie. You’ll get appropriate credit, of course, and everyone else will get fresh creepy (as opposed to fresh Creepy, which, trust me… nobody wants that) to enjoy. As always, I can be found at [email protected]. Now get out there, find some weird, and let’s get this party started.