Kevin Bacon Interested in Frying Up Freddy Krueger

There’s not a single Nightmare on Elm Street fan that I know of who was thrilled with the way Samuel Bayer’s 2010 take on the Wes Craven classic turned out. At the end of the day, despite having a craft services budget that was the size of the entire franchise’s budget as a whole, it just lacked imagination. It was lazy, and Freddy – despite the best efforts of Jackie Earle Haley – just wasn’t scary.
Replacing Robert Englund… it’s just too tall of an order and maybe, just maybe, it was too soon to try to do that. Still, if we want the nightmares to live on, someone is going to have to sooner or later.
Enter an interesting conversation with Kevin Bacon on Twitter. Last Friday a fan expressed interest in seeing Bacon play Freddy Krueger in a future reboot. Bacon responded to the tweet favorably.
You know… in some mad way this could possibly work! What say you?