New Injustice 2 Trailer a Treat for Suicide Squad Fans; Reveals Harley Quinn and Deadshot

When Mortal Kombat dropped back in 2011, it reminded us how the combination of brutal violence and solid fighting mechanics could come together in a kickass package. Ed Boon was back, baby, and ready to show the world that he still knew how to make fighting games more solid than me before Mileena took her mask off.
While counting all of their MK money, they must have found the DC license they had just lying around from the days of Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe and decided to rectify that mistake as well. The result was the no less than stellar Injustice: Gods Among Us. It was fast, brutal, fun, and unique without feeling forced. It’s one of those games that I still bust out when I feel like kicking someone’s ass with Black Adam. And when do I ever not feel like kicking someone’s ass with Black Adam?
Anyhoo, Injustice 2 got announced back in June, and since then I have been thirsty for new info. Luckily, just in time for Gamescom 2016, I get my wish with a new trailer showcasing Harley Quinn and Deadshot. Here it is in all its glory:
Before you start spurting hot nerd rage all over my article, yes, I am aware that Harley Quinn was in the first game. Yes, I am aware that Deadshot was in the DC universe long before Will Smith decided to play him. Harley would most definitely have still been in the game without the recent Suicide Squad film. Deadshot? Eh… not so sure. Even though this version doesn’t seem to be modeled after Smith’s portrayal, you have to admit it’s very coincidental.
Don’t think that this is getting me down! The more the merrier, I say. I was even stoked when they announced Blue Beetle. This is a game where superheroes are put on an even level and let loose to kick the shit out of each other. What’s not to like?
Stay tuned for more Injustice 2 news, and check out my full review when it drops in 2017.