Get Caught in Stephen David Brooks’ Flytrap Today

Since its debut on the film festival circuit, Stephen David Brooks’ Flytrap has consistently won acclaim and awards around the world, and as of today My Man Productions has made the film available on both digital to rent/own and VOD/streaming.
Flytrap revolves around Jeremy Crutchley (“Salem,” “Black Sails”) as a stranger in a strange land held at the whims of peculiar housemates Ina-Alice Kopp (Big Gay Love), Jonah Blechman (This Boy’s Life, Another Gay Movie), Gabrielle Stone (Cut!), and Jason Duplissea (“Parks and Recreation”).
Among the awards won by the film are Best Non-European Indie Feature at the European Independent Film Festival in France, Best Low Budget Feature at Worldfest Houston, Special Jury Prize at the Chelsea Film Festival, as well as Best Feature, Best Supporting Actor (Jonah Blechman), and Best Ensemble at the Los Angeles Independent Film Festival.
Flytrap is now streaming on Amazon Instant Video, Google Play and is also available to rent or own on iTunes, Vudu, and more. Check out the trailer and several stills below to see if it’s a trap you’re willing to get ensnared in.
On the day he arrives in the U.S. to teach at UCLA, paranoia roots itself into James Pond, a reserved English astronomer, who is seduced and quickly trapped in a suburban Los Angeles house by the mysterious and alluring Mary Ann and her equally bizarre housemates. Are these people in a doomsday cult? What do they want? Are they even human?
This psychological sci-fi/thriller hybrid unfolds as James attempts to escape his freakishly foreign captors. Even if he could escape, would the world believe his crazy story?