Sharktopus Trailer to Grab You

The trailer for the latest Syfy original film featuring a giant mutant something or other, Sharktopus, has made a splash online, and we have ever drippy second of it for you.
So what’s it all about? Hold on to your asses, folks! We’ve got a live one here!
“The U.S. Navy has commissioned a group called Blue Water to genetically engineer a half-shark, half-octopus to help combat Somali pirate ships. Then things go wrong.”
Makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? That’s the point, as producer Roger Corman explains.
“It’s fairly difficult to believe, but we only ask the audience to accept this one thing,” he said. “After that, we take great care that everything else is logical from then on and is something that could happen.”
Sharktopus is directed by Wrong Turn 3‘s Declan O’Brien and stars Eric Roberts. Look for a premiere date soon.
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