DC’s The Devil’s Muse: Artist Spotlight – Robin Fuqua

Hello everyone, and welcome to The Devil’s Muse! We’ve got something of a mixed bag for you this week. Our next artist uses many mediums, including makeup! Most specifically, special effects makeup. This time around we’re highlighting Robin Fuqua, a painter/artist who’s resided in Hollywood, California for 15 years.
Robin’s work includes a lot of visual love letters to the horror genre. Below you’ll be able to see some of her interpretations of famous female characters. As for her effects work, can you say skeletons, terrifying demons, and gore?!
Needless to say, we’re impressed with her work, and we think you’ll be too.
Artist’s Bio:
Since the age of six, Robin Fuqua knew she wanted to be an artist. Growing up in Greenwood Indiana, Fuqua began her professional endeavors by selling her renditions of Smurfs to whoever would buy them. At the age of twelve she received her first award from the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra for a graphic interpretation of their music. She had her first solo exhibit at the age of sixteen, and by twenty-two she dropped out of art school and moved to L.A. to begin her long journey as a working artist.
For the past fifteen years Robin Fuqua had devoted her life to finding her true voice as a painter. This goal has been brought to life with an assemblage of canvases that merge the comedy and irony of dark cartoon with painfully honest expressionism in a fine-tuned style that is uniquely her own.
Check out Robin’s Facebook page, Instagram account, or website for even more work!
We’ll see you next week for another Devil’s Muse, where we show you some of the best horror art the wide virtual web has to offer.
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