Dark Horse Publishing English Translation of Swedish Comic Alena; Now a Major Motion Picture

With the Swedish boarding school horror film Alena arriving in theaters in its native country last week, Dark Horse Comics will proudly make the original graphic novel from writer and illustrator Kim W. Andersson, on which the film is based, available in English for the first time. Pre-order up your copy from Amazon today ahead of its September 13, 2016 release date.
In Alena, the titular girl finds herself being mercilessly bullied at her new school, so her friend Josephine, who also happens to be deceased, decided to help her extract vengeance.
The film was directed by Daniel di Grado and stars Helena Af Sandeberg, Johan Ehn, and Ulrika Ellemark.
Alena’s life is a living hell. Since she arrived at a snobbish boarding school, she’s been harassed every day by Philippa and the girls on the lacrosse team. But Alena’s best friend Josephine is not going to accept that anymore. Not from the counselor or the principal, not from Philippa, and not from anyone else at that horrid school. If Alena does not fight back, then Josephine will take matters into her own hands. There’s just one problem . . . Josephine has been dead for a year.
* Now a major-motion picture!
* Kim W. Andersson (The Complete Love Hurts) is the winner of the Swedish Comics Academy’s Adamson statue—Sweden’s most prestigious comics award!
“Kim W. Andersson’s graphic novel Alena has unsurprisingly been described as Let the Right One In meets Show Me Love set in a boarding school. Count on vengeance, violence and broken teenage hearts.”—Stockholm Film Festival