See The Descent, Damnit


Scream for The Descent!I really can't stress enough how important it is for you guys to get your asses out there this weekend and see Neil Marshall's The Descent. Yes, it's a great movie as our reviews (here and here) indicate. Yes, it is a genuinely scary film, a rare thing these days. But most importantly Lionsgate is taking a big chance with it, and we have to make sure it pays off for them. Much like we did for Saw II and Hostel before it, the only difference being there's not a single negative thing I would say about The Descent, whereas the drawbacks of Hostel are legion.

And hey, if you're living in or around Dallas, you don't even have to wait till Friday to see it. The film will screen tonight at 7:30pm at the Angelika Dallas. Mockingbird Station, 5321 E Mockingbird Lane in Dallas, Texas. If you want a free pass just show up and tell John Gray of Pit of, who will be on hand handing them out, that you read about it on Dread Central.

Not in Dallas? You've still got see the damn movie this weekend, all right? Let's not have another Slither situation please. And be sure to read my interview with director Neil Marshall from Comic Con right here!

Johnny Butane

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