Full Moon’s Dark Angel Ascending Onto Blu-ray Next Month

Originally released back in 1994, Full Moon’s epic horror fantasy film Dark Angel: The Ascent will finally be heading to Blu-Ray in September, and we’ve got everything you need to know right here.
From the Press Release:
Released for the first time on Blu-ray, Full Moon Features’ classic horror Dark Angel: The Ascentstarring Angela Featherstone (HBO’s “Girls,” “Friends”) and directed by Linda Hassani. The release, remastered in 16 x 9 Widescreen and 5.1 Surround, digitally restored from the original 35mm camera negative, bows September 15.
Deep in the depths of hell, Veronica (Featherstone), a young demoness, yearns to visit the world of man. Veronica finds a secret passage and ascends from Hades with her dog Hellraiser, and they find themselves on the streets of a modern American city. Disguised as a human, she meets Max Barris, a young doctor, and begins living with him. Veronica decides her mission in life is to punish the wicked and evil, and she goes about this with a bloody vengeance. She hunts down evildoers and kills them, feeding parts of their bodies to her dog. Finally she tells Max the truth about herself, and despite the fact that she’s a spawn of darkness, he falls in love with her. But will the separation of mortal and immortal allow their love to last…?
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpnLEfiMSKc]