Terminator 2 Getting 3D Re-Release in 2017

In the wake of Terminator Genisys failing to make much of a mark on the American box office, as well as disappointing fans and critics alike, the future of the franchise is very much hanging in the balance at the moment. It may be many years before we see a new installment, but it won’t be long before the series returns to theaters.
As reported by the official Terminator 2 Facebook page today, James Cameron’s 1991 action sequel will be getting a theatrical 3D re-release next year!
“August 29th 1997: The day Skynet first became self aware,” wrote the page. “August 29th 2016: the day you first saw the brand new poster for Terminator 2 in 3D. Coming to theaters in 2017.”
In Terminator 2: Judgment Day, which hit theaters on July 3, 1991, Arnold Schwarzenegger returned as The Terminator for an explosive action-adventure spectacle. Now he’s one of the good guys, sent back in time to protect John Connor, the boy destined to lead the freedom fighters of the future. Linda Hamilton reprised her role as Sarah Connor, John’s mother, a quintessential survivor who had been institutionalized for her warning of the nuclear holocaust she knows is inevitable. Together, the threesome must find a way to stop the ultimate enemy – the T-1000, the most lethal Terminator ever created.
Check out the re-release poster below!