DC’s The Devil’s Muse: Artist Spotlight – Daniella Batsheva

What’s up, horror art fans?! Welcome to this week’s edition of The Devil’s Muse! We’ve got another femme fatale in our spotlight this week, Daniella Batsheva. You might recognize her name as the colorist of this fabulous Brainwaves: Horror and Paranormal Talk Radio artwork.
Daniella’s art features many a feminine form and ranges from posters to album covers, fully colored illustrations, and sketches. All include something macabre or creepy.
Artist’s Bio:
Daniella was born in Philadelphia and spent many a day with her mother watching “Tales from the Crypt” while copying her doodles as drawing practice. She was raised on horror movies, which makes it no surprise that her first crush was Beetlejuice. As a toddler, Daniella was infatuated with 18th century fashion, so much so that at the tender age of two years old, her mother found her cursing in French at 3 a.m. Alas, they knew no one who spoke French, so this episode has forever remained a mystery.
In college Daniella pursued illustration, but once out she decided everything she’d learned there was garbage. Thus, she threw all that knowledge out the window and packed up three suitcases to move to California with no set plans. Since then Daniella has worn many hats, working as a religious school teacher, re-designing the trophy for Shriekfest, and painting murals for D’Amore’s Pizza and The Hive Gallery in DTLA. She’s also worked as a clip-art designer and illustrated horror movie posters as well as posters for the Viper Room. Currently she works as a designer for WOD Gear Athletic Apparel but continues to produce her own personal work inspired by the creepier things in life.
Daniella’s favorite media are acrylic and colored pencil. Her work often leads her to produce digital art but traditional is definitely more her wheelhouse.
Visit Daniella’s corners of the web on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and her website for more artwork. What’s your favorite piece by Daniella? Let us know in the comments! And keep your feelers outstretched towards Dread Central for the next The Devil’s Muse!
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