The WTF Friday Video of the Week: Freddy Does Memphis Wrestling?

This week’s video pulls off the rare double whammy of WTF-ness. As if a music video showcasing the pro wrestling career of a guy who wrestled back in the early Nineties dressed like Freddy Krueger wasn’t strange enough, the absurd song accompanying the video of Freddy going buck wild in a wrestling ring is a novelty song called “Do The Freddy” featuring cackling by Robert Englund himself.
Let me provide you some backstory on what you about to see courtesy of Wikipedia.
First up, “Nightmare Freddy“, a wrestling Freddy gimmick used by Memphis area wrestler Doug Gilbert that somehow did not lead to copyright infringement lawsuits. And here you thought Andy Kaufman was the most famous celebrity to ever step into a Memphis wrestling ring.
Freddy was, of course, based on Freddy Krueger, the main character in the A Nightmare on Elm Street films. He even came out wearing the bladed glove. Under Doug’s tenure under the rubber mask, Freddy teamed with a Jason (from Friday the 13th) inspired wrestler as well as a Frankenstein, a Wolfman, and Leatherface. Freddy also toured in Japan where he gained even more popularity and helped start a “movie monster/wrestler” boom…
Not only a wrestling Freddy… Not only a wrestling Freddy that teamed with a wrestling Jason and fought other wrestling monsters… This Freddy wrestled as a good guy and was wildly popular with the fans.
Then there’s the matter of the terrible and tonally inappropriate for pro wrestling song playing over footage of a guy in a Freddy Halloween costume acting crazy and beating opponents with the “Iron Claw“.
In 1987 another song called “Do the Freddy” was released, off the gimmick album ‘Freddy’s Greatest Hits’. Complete with guest vocals by Robert Englund as slasher movie icon Freddy Krueger, the song also contained instructions on how to dance “The Freddy”.
I must find this album. How is it I am just learning of this album’s existence?
Put the two together, and you have a serious case of WTF-ness. What you are about to watch actually aired on the USWA wrestling program.
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