Release Date Shuffle: Black Swan, The Darkest Hour, and Dream House

Get out your calendars, kids! Three high profile horror flicks have switched dates, and it’s time to keep you abreast of the changes. That’s a great word, abreast. It sounds naughty but it’s not. Sort of like Black Swan. Speaking of which …
Below you’ll find new dates and descriptions for the following:
Black Swan — New Date: December 1st, 2010
The film centers on a veteran ballerina (Natalie Portman, pictured below) who finds herself locked in a competitive situation with a rival dancer, with the stakes and twists increasing as the dancers approach a big performance. But it’s unclear whether the rival is a supernatural apparition or if the protagonist is simply having delusions.
The Darkest Hour — New Date: August 5th, 2011
The latest New Regency-Summit supernatural project starring Rachael Taylor, Joel Kinnaman, Emile Hirsch, and Olivia Thirlby. Chris Gorak will be at the helm of this alien invasion chiller.
Dream House — New Date: February 18th, 2011
The project, picked up as a spec by David Loucka, follows a family that relocates into what appears to be the ideal residence in small town Connecticut. However, the husband (Daniel Craig) and wife (Rachel Weisz) are disturbed to discover that their beautiful new home was the site of another family’s slaughter, believed to be at the hands of the husband, who survived. Naomi Watts plays their neighbor.

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