Mania Delivers a Maniacal Trailer

Jessica Cameron is at it again, delivering us some good old fashioned indie horror. Mania is currently playing at global festivals, and you can check out the pretty bloody trailer below.
From the Press Release:
Jessica Cameron’s sophomore feature film, Mania, has released its full length trailer. Mania is currently playing film festivals all around the world and has won 10 awards thus far. Tickets can be purchased HERE.
Mania is produced by Mem Ferda, who also brought us Jessica Cameron’s first film Truth or Dare, which shocked audiences worldwide with its extreme, relentless violence. Mania is as uncompromising as its predecessor, but the violence is replaced with a lesbian sexuality that is as shocking as Truth or Dare’s extreme gore.
Watch the trailer HERE. Warning the trailer is NSFW and viewer discretion is advised. Here’s the synopsis: Brooke makes a deadly mistake during a manic episode, forcing her and her lover to flee their home and embark on a sex-charged and gore-filled road trip. Can Mel bring Brooke back from the edge or is it too late for their love and their lives. For more screening information and to keep up with the film’s release schedule please join us on our facebook and twitter.
Travis Brown (Horror Movies Uncut) called the film “unforgettable” and states “The colorful and erotically induced sequences that captures the mind of Mel extends the depths of how far MANIA can take you before it’s climactic conclusion takes you over the brink. Cameron shocked and disgusted you with TRUTH OR DARE now she drenches your psyche in purgatory with MANIA.”