Tell Lionsgate to Release Extended Cut of The Blair Witch Project!

With Adam Wingard’s sequel Blair Witch set to hit theaters later this month, The Blair Witch Project is a hot topic of discussion in the community right now, and one fan has just taken it upon himself to petition Lionsgate to release a never-before-seen extended cut of the 1999 classic. Of course, he needs your help.
This all began with an interview Found Footage Critic conducted with Blair Witch Project co-director Eduardo Sanchez, which saw Sanchez make note of the fact that there is a wealth of footage he and Daniel Myrick shot for the film that was never used and has to date never been seen. The ball is in Lionsgate’s court, but Sanchez noted during the conversation that he’d love to revisit the film that kick-started a sub-genre and totally changed the game.
“In a couple of weeks I could probably take the original movie and edit a longer version,” Sanchez told the site. “I know the fans are like ‘everybody wants to see it’… it would be cool to do, honestly. I wouldn’t hesitate to do that if Lionsgate Films hired me. I think it would a lot of fun.”
“Start a petition… if I can get enough interest from the fans, I can bring it to Lionsgate Films’ attention,” he added.
That petition, well, it’s now an actual thing that you can sign and share. And we strongly encourage you, if you’re a fan of The Blair Witch Project, to do both. So please, head over to the official Blair Witch Project: Extended Cut petition and let Lionsgate know you want it, need it, and must have it!