Trailer Shows Us a Swamp Shark Hungry for a Swanson Dinner

What’s up with all the b-movie mutant shark flicks of late? This year already gave us Dinoshark, and later in 2010 we get Sharktopus and Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus. Just yesterday I showed you the trailer for Super Shark Attack about a humongous land shark. Today brings us the trailer for Swamp Shark starring Kristy Swanson, Robert Davi, D.B. Sweeney, and shockingly, hard as it might be to believe, not Corin Nemec. Next stop, Syfy!
When I first brought word of Swamp Shark, it was still in pre-production under the title Jaws of the Mississippi. Today, just in time for the Discovery Channel’s “Shark Week”, is the first trailer for the imaginatively re-titled Swamp Shark.
In a small Louisiana town on the Atchafalaya Basin, a local drunk is found mangled to bits, his death blamed on the Broussard family’s pack of “escaped” alligators. But Rachel Broussard claims to have seen the fin of a shark in the swamps. She begins the hunt find the creature to clear her name and prevent the deaths of hundreds set to fill the river for Gator Fest. But can she stop the “Swamp Shark” in time for Gator Fest?
Just having a maneating shark capable of surviving in fresh water doesn’t strike me as all that imaginative in this age of mega sharks, walking sharks, and octo-sharks. The trailer does seem to hint that this is no ordinary shark, and it definitely appears abnormal from what little we see of it in the preview. Besides, as noted in the trailer, “This isn’t a normal shark. It swims. It kills.” Yeah, completely unlike regular sharks, right?
Hoo boy, with dialogue like that, at least the people making the movie (Wolvesbayne director Griff Furst) appear to understand the movie is meant to be campy.
This is not original Buffy the Vampire Slayer Kristy Swanson’s first encounter with a freshwater shark in the Louisiana bayous; back in 2003 she did the made-for-TBS shark flick Red Water with a very similar premise. Robert Davi co-stars, leaving me to assume Lance Henriksen turned them down first. D.B. Sweeney takes food out of Corin Nemec’s mouth by appearing in a role that looks tailor-made for the Syfy movie staple.
Scene Louisiana has posted the first trailer for Swamp Shark (bound for Syfy next summer) because it was filmed on location in Lafayette, Louisiana, and if ever there were a movie shot in Louisiana to be proud of…
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