Happy 50th Anniversary Star Trek – The 13 Most Memorable Monsters


As a horror fan who grew up in the 70s, it is impossible for me to not have a soft spot in my heart for the original “Star Trek.” Not only did our crew explore new worlds to seek out new life and new civilizations and boldly go where no man has gone before, but once they did so, they’d usually come face-to-face with some snarling beast of the monstrous variety.

As a means to help celebrate this landmark television series’ 50th anniversary, we’ve put together a list of some of our absolute favorite beasties Captain Kirk and company encountered.

Raise your glass of Tranya, and check them out below. Woe is he who wore a red shirt!

Neural Parasite - Star Trek Episode "Operation - Annihilate!"

Neural Parasite – Star Trek Episode “Operation – Annihilate!”

The Andorian - Star Trek Episode "Journey to Babel"

The Andorian – Star Trek Episode “Journey to Babel”

Balok - Star Trek Episode "The Corbomite Maneuver"

Balok – Star Trek Episode “The Corbomite Maneuver”

Excalbian - Star Trek Episode "The Savage Curtain"

Excalbian – Star Trek Episode “The Savage Curtain”

The Gorn - Star Trek Episode "Arena"

The Gorn – Star Trek Episode “Arena”

Tribbles - Star Trek Episode "The Trouble With Tribbles"

Tribbles – Star Trek Episode “The Trouble With Tribbles”

Giant Space Amoeba -Star Trek Episode "The Immunity Syndrome"

Giant Space Amoeba -Star Trek Episode “The Immunity Syndrome”

The Salt Creature - Star Trek Episode “The Man Trap”

The Salt Creature – Star Trek Episode “The Man Trap”

Mugato - Star Trek Episode "A Private Little War"

Mugato – Star Trek Episode “A Private Little War”

The Melkotian - Star Trek Episode "The Spectre of the Gun"

The Melkotian – Star Trek Episode “The Spectre of the Gun”

The Horta - Star Trek Episode "Devil in the Dark"

The Horta – Star Trek Episode “Devil in the Dark”

The Unicorn Dog - S

The Unicorn Dog – Star Trek Episode “Miri”


Clint Howard's Balok - Star Trek Episode "The Corbomite Maneuver"

Clint Howard’s Balok – Star Trek Episode “The Corbomite Maneuver”

