What if Your Favorite Horror Movies Got Their Own Oreos?

These last few years, Nabisco has been absolutely killing it with their Oreo brand, coming up with wacky flavors that have become bona fide viral hits here on the internet. Recent flavors like Fruity Crisp, Swedish Fish, and Watermelon are merely the tip of the iceberg, and we cannot wait to see what they conjure up next.
On a related note, I recently discovered that my friend Billy Polard, who is primarily a musician but also happens to have some serious self-taught Photoshop skills, was creating his own wacky Oreo flavors over on Facebook, and though his Taco Bell and Pizza Hut-flavored creations didn’t necessarily excite my taste buds, they damn sure caught my interest. And they also, as you’ve probably gathered by now, inspired this very post.
I recently reached out to Billy to see if he’d be interested in whipping up some faux horror movie-inspired Oreo packages, and to my delight, he took the project by the horns and totally ran with it. You’ll find the results of his handiwork below, which we hope you’ll enjoy and share across social media.
Be sure to keep up to date with Billy Polard through his website, The Ghost In You, and you can also follow him over on Instagram (@THEGHOSTINYOUMUSIC). You may even want to check out his brand new album “Heaven Help Us,” which includes a song all about Halloween!