The Terminator Saga Continues as a PG-13 Rated Animated Feature – Terminator 3000

Hasn’t anyone learned anything from the flaccid Terminator: Salvation? You cannot take decidedly R-rated material, dumb it down with big action sequences to try and hide the fact that said Terminators aren’t killing anyone, and expect it to be embraced by the fanbase — the majority of which are in their thirties or older by now judging from when the original came out.
But that’s not stopping Hanover House, who announced today that they have entered into a development venture with Vancouver-based Red Bear Entertainment for Terminator 3000, envisioned as a $70 million budgeted, 3D animated feature film based on the characters and situations introduced in the original Terminator feature.
The story details for Terminator 3000 are being kept under close wraps, but the writers and production team have a stated goal of minimizing violence in order to obtain a PG-13 level of material.
Hannover House and Red Bear Entertainment will release details of the production timing, financing, and principal production personnel later this year in advance of a proposed January, 2011 start.
Someone please … terminate me. Thanks, I’ll wait.

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