Shit Gets Crazy in Don’t Kill It Trailer and Image Gallery

One of the upcoming horror films we’re very much looking forward to is Big Ass Spider! and Lavalantula director Mike Mendez’s Don’t Kill It, which stars ultimate badass Dolph Lundgren as a demon-slayer. Mendez sure knows how to entertain us, and this one looks to be another incredibly fun outing.
Check out the trailer below, along with an image gallery courtesy of EW!
“The story is about a remote Mississippi town that is invaded by a body-hopping demon,” Mendez told EW. “It jumps into the body of the last person who killed it, and it is making its way through this town, decimating the inhabitants. Our demon-hunter, Jebediah Woodley, who is a kind of a rogue exorcist, played by Dolph Lundgren, comes to town, and he is the only one who can stop it, because he’s got a history with this demon. And many people die!”
Written by Dan Berk and Robert Olsen, the film also stars Kristina Klebe, Michael Aaron Milligan and Miles Doleac.
An ancient evil is unleashed in a small Alaskan town leaving a trail of death and destruction as it passes from host to host. The only hope of survival lies with a grizzled demon hunter (Lundgren) who has faced this terror before. Together with a reluctant FBI agent he has to figure out how to destroy a demon with the ability to possess its killer.