Lake Havasu Wants You to Know There Are No Piranhas in Their Waters

It was 35 years ago that Jaws had people legitimately frightened of swimming in the ocean out of fear of being eaten by a great white shark. Just 24 hours out from the release of Piranha 3D, it seems there is some alarm in the community of Lake Havasu, where the movie was shot, that their tourism might take a hit if some foolish people out there become convinced their lakes truly are home to man-eating fish. You can’t make this stuff up.
The amazing story about nervous Nellies worried that Piranha 3D might actually lead some people to believe that their lovely resort waters are truly infested with voracious prehistoric piranhas was broken by the LA Times’ “24 Frames” blog the other day.
Piranha 3D, out Friday, is set on “Lake Victoria” – a fictional popular tourist destination where spring breakers find themselves attacked by vicious fish. But city officials in the region where the film was shot, Lake Havasu – which borders Arizona and California – are fearful that moviegoers might recognize the vacation spot in the horror film and be led to believe piranhas actually exist in local waters.
I highly recommend you surf over to the blog and read the entire amusing article so that you can hear more about the growing unease in the Lake Havasu community such as this wonderful anecdote about a concerned woman who I’m betting watches Glenn Beck religiously.
“One woman was bringing up to me that the movie was coming out, and she asked – as serious as serious can be – ‘Oh, but are there still piranha in the lake?’” recalled Cal Sheehy, general manager of the London Bridge Resort, which is right on Lake Havasu. “At first, I kind of took it as a joke. But then I let her know that that’s the computer-generated part of the movie. And she was very relieved, saying, ‘Oh, I’m so glad to hear that.’”
Now this is probably the part where you expect me to start making smart ass comments. Well, guess what? I’m not. You know why? Because they’re dead right to be concerned. Bet you didn’t expect that answer, did you? It’s true, though. Just look at how much the Texas tourism industry has steadily declined since 1974. Who wants to go on vacation someplace where you know full well a husky man in a skin mask will try to kill you with a chainsaw? The Leatherface stigma has gotten so bad for the Lone Star State illegal aliens are regularly seen running screaming back across the Border to Mexico the first instance they hear an engine revving.
Me, personally, I’ve already vowed that I will never ever set foot in New York City because I know the moment I do a giant monster will go on a rampage or an alien warship will blast the place to smithereens or the whole city will be drowned by a cataclysmic wall of water. I watch movies. I know the score.
Piranha 3D – TV Spot
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