See a King Ghidorah Skeleton Crafted from KFC Chicken Bones

There’s no shortage of creativity out there, and what you’re about to see is the perfect example of someone taking trash and giving it a new lease on life! While you may not consider anything from KFC to be a work of art (we’re not even sure that it’s 100% chicken to be honest), it’s a good thing for us all that Japanese artist Hone Oyaji has a different perspective on the Colonel’s tastiest project.
After feasting on several buckets of KFC, Oyaji chose to assemble the remnants of his meal into a skeleton resembling one of Godzilla’s greatest foes, King Ghidorah. Check out his handiwork below, and just marvel at its majesty.
Somewhere right now, Leatherface is smiling. Quickly, someone get Oyaji a side order of paramedics and a charged up defibrillator!