Horrible Imaginings Podcast #147: Halloween Super Special with SoCal Horror Authors!

Amazingly, it has been one month since my episode reflecting on Horrible Imaginings Film Festival. I have several episodes awaiting post production, but it’s the Halloween Season and this one needed to move to the front of the line! I was invited to a live panel Halloween event at the San Diego Public Library on Saturday to discuss horror in both literature and film! It was like a live version of my podcast, so of course I had to record it for as many of you to enjoy as possible! Thank you to Anthony Trevino for the invitation! Joining me on stage to offer their horror insights were:
David Agranoff, author of Amazing Punk Stories. Follow him on Twitter at @DAgranoffAuthor
Scott Sigler, author of the Infected Trilogy. Follow him on Twitter at @scottsigler
Bryan Killian, author of Welcome to Necropolis. Follow him on Twitter at @bkillian13
Ryan C. Thomas, author of The Summer I Died. Follow him on Twitter at @ryancthomas
Robert Essig, author of In Black. Follow him on Twitter at @Robert_Essig
We talk about our favorite authors and stories before going into our experiences with horror in film. This is a pretty great discussion with lots of people who have had their lives changed by scary stories. Truly, a celebration of Halloween!
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