Simon Barrett Teases Massive Blair Witch Shocker!

One of the big surprises of Adam Wingard’s Blair Witch was that, for the very first time, we actually saw the Blair Witch herself, which was a pretty big deal considering she had never previously been glimpsed in the franchise. But did we see what we thought we saw? Or did the film play tricks on our mind?
As brought to our attention by Jonathan Barkan over on Bloody Disgusting, Blair Witch writer Simon Barrett recently engaged in a little Twitter chat with a fan about the film, and he dropped a huge bombshell that changes everything we thought we knew. In short, that WAS NOT the Blair Witch!
“…you don’t see the witch onscreen, that’s someone else!” said @Simon_Barrett. “It’s intentionally not too clarified in the film, and I don’t want to ruin it! Our DVD commentary will explain a lot, but hopefully without ruining anything, as do we want to leave some elements mysterious.”
So if that creature wasn’t the Blair Witch, who/what was it? Speculate below!