Conrad Faraj Gives Us an Exclusive Scoop on The Colours of Desire

We’re starting to develop something of an obsession with filmmaker Conrad Faraj round these parts. In addition to his films Fighting the Sky and The Wolf Family Treasure, which we’re dying to see, we’ve now learned that he has an all-new project in development called The Colours of Desire. I wonder if the guy ever sleeps.
You can read some exclusive details about The Colours of Desire below straight from the man himself:
Production Overview:
On July 25, 2016, I was side-blinded by an idea. It was one of those moments where I thought the idea may be good enough to be made into a feature sometime in the future. A few days went by and I suddenly realized that I needed to create this story right away. It was like an impulse. I was on vacation visiting family in Cleveland, Ohio, and I had just wrapped production on a feature just a mere few months prior, but I still had this hunger to create. At first I conceived it as an extended short… something close to being a feature, but short enough to be something else.
I wrote the script in 12 days. When completed, I had a very interesting, macabre, but strangely unique little script. Then it came down to a crucial decision. Do I shoot this film now while on vacation and spend the next 2 weeks meticulously planning it day and night, or do I wait a few months and let the project grow in my head a little longer? Somewhere deep down, I knew that if I didn’t do it now, I may possibly never make this film. So I went against my better judgement, took out some small loans, assembled a team, auditioned some actors, and started production.
Filming took approximately 15 days and ended the first week of September. We had been editing the film simultaneously while shooting, and as of September 25, 2016, we have begun submitting to film festivals around the world. The film ended up being much longer than anticipated, running at 102 minutes. A lot of the filmmaking legends have always shared similar advice: The best way to become a filmmaker is to go out and make your film. I ignored every guideline I was ever given about making films, and I did just that. I dove right in with very little time to prepare and came out with something that I am hugely proud of. It was an extreme exercise in filmmaking. The notion in itself was crazy: making an entire feature film in 2 months. But we did it, and I cannot wait to share the fruits of our labor.
The film stars Nick Earl, Roger Conners, Megan King, Rachel Anderson, Steven Farris, John Maslowski, Aron Long, and Jim Strang. It was produced by Greg Kraus, Jason Ross, Floria Aguilera, and Conrad Faraj, who wrote and directed.
When a quiet vagabond named Vantser discovers a dead body, he gifts it to a powerful man known as Termas, whose desire for corpses spawns supernatural abilities that can create impossible wishes.
After being promised one of these impossible wishes, Vantser vows to bring two more corpses to Termas and sets out on a macabre journey where he must fight his inner demons and decide for himself if his wish is worth the burden taking lives might bear.