Lucio Fulci’s CITY OF THE LIVING DEAD comic preview drops in THREE DAYS from Eibon Press!

There’s just three days until Lucio Fulci’s Zombie #2 becomes available at Eibon Press website! It’s an epic new issue featuring all the awesome gore and wild characters from the classic film, including SHARK VS. ZOMBIE and EYE VS. SPLINTER!
THREE DAYS, people!
Hot damn!!!
But there’s even more reason for Fulci fans to be excited about the new issue which drops on FRIDAY. Check it out:
That’s right! You’re gonna get an extended preview story from the first chapter of Eibon Press’s wildly ambitious SEVEN GATES SAGA, based on the legendary “supernatural trilogy” created by Lucio Fulci in the 1980s. The first comic series in the trilogy will be Lucio Fulci’s Gates of Hell, based on Fulci’s City of the Living Dead. And you can get an exclusive look how all of that will come to bloody life within the pages of ZOMBIE #2! Eibon has added a full preview chapter to the new issue that will blow your mind, depicting the classic opening of the film, in which a young medium (Catriona Macoll) witnesses Father Deacon Thomas hanging himself, thus opening the gates of hell! Seriously, kids, Lucio Fulci’s Gates of Hell is a complete and total motherfucker. It’s a crazy adaptation that is faithful to the plot and characters of the film, featuring amazing art by Derek Rook and a script by Zombie writer and editor Stephen Romano… but this thing goes even beyond what you’ve seen in the film, creating the groundwork for an epic horror comics trilogy unlike any other! Here’s another look at some of the wildness in store for you the “Gates of Hell” mini-series:
Plus, as usual, Lucio Fulci’s Zombie #2 features all the awesome collector’s bell and whistles, including a variant cover album sleeve and a metric fuck-ton of extra goodies inside!
Be sure to get to early because the signed copies always go very quickly!