Infographic Details Several Top Actors and Their Killer Careers

Our buddies over at are back with another seasonal infographic that dishes the dirt on actors who launched their careers by getting bloody! Check it out!
From the Site:
Psst. Come closer. We want to fill you in on a little dirty secret of ours: We are completely obsessed with horror movies. Slasher flicks, zombie films, science fiction thrillers, and supernatural major motion pictures… we bloody love ’em all! Bring on all the gore, mangled monsters, blood-curdling shrieks, and the perpetual paranormal hauntings because we can handle it.
Sure, we watch most horror movies through spliced fingers while shielding our eyes, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. Seriously. There’s something about being immobilized with fear that makes us feel so…alive.
So, being the self-confessed creepy movie connoisseurs that we are, we couldn’t help but notice one particular startling trend: whoa, there are so many baby-faced Hollywood A-listers popping up in our favorite old-school scary movies. Before these big league stars made the big bucks, they could be seen dodging flesh-eating furballs and running from chainsaw-wielding psychopaths.
Watching these cinema hall of famers being hacked to bits by some classic fictional killers makes us giddy with delight, so we’ve decided to expose all of the skeletons hiding in their horror movie closets. Our infographic is one force to be reckoned with that these stars won’t be able to run away from!
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