Announcing DreadVision in Dallas at the Alamo Drafthouse!

The Alamo Drafthouse is the best theater in the world. Period. It’s not up for discussion.
Dread Central is one of the best horror outlets in the world. The science is settled there as well.
It only makes sense for us to join forces and bring you something that only the combined forces of awesome can. Starting this month, we bring you DreadVision!
DreadVision is a new monthly series at the Alamo Drafthouse Richardson in the DFW area. Hosted by yours truly, Mr. Dark, DreadVision will represent Dread Central in a that fits the Alamo Drafthouse and their commitment to cinema.
Every month, we’ll bring you a great horror movie you haven’t seen on the big screen in a long time, or possibly ever. Pulling from the past, present, and future of horror, this curated series of gruesome gems aims to reintroduce lost classics, show you current films that never saw a theatrical run, and sometimes even present movies that haven’t been released yet!
In tradition with the Alamo way, each screening will feature contests and prizes. Sometimes you might even see a surprise guest or two related to the film being shown.
The first DreadVision screening is Wednesday, October 12th at 9:00pm. The first selection?
The scariest haunted spaceship film in history: EVENT HORIZON!
Many modern moviegoers missed this nugget of awesome back in the day during it’s very brief theatrical run. We’re going to throw it on the big screen in a room full of horror fans for you to enjoy in a way you probably never have.
Buy tickets NOW at the Drafthouse website! Tickets are only $7 and, as always, the Alamo’s wonderful full menu of food, beer, and cocktails is available throughout the show. Come out, enjoy some food, and watch a great film with Dread Central!