Guillermo del Toro Eying Tom Cruise for At the Mountains of Madness

With every day that passes we find ourselves praying just a little bit more to the horror gods that Guillermo del Toro’s adaptation of At the Mountains of Madness happens ASAP. Tonight the director spoke a bit about whom he’d like to see in the leading role.
According to Collider sources have now told them that Universal wants James McAvoy to play the lead in the film, but del Toro wants Tom Cruise to star. Chris Pine’s name was also being tossed around, but his busy schedule may be too packed.
As reported earlier James Cameron will be producing the flick in 3D. Production on the film is set to begin in May 2011.
In the Lovecraft tale, a gruesome discovery made during a scientific expedition to the South Pole in the 1930s hints at the true origin of mankind having come from elder gods from another planet. Bad things happen when those life forms are awakened.
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