Bruce Campbell Talks Why Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash Crossover Would Not Work


Bruce Campbell, star of Starz’s Evil Dead television sequel, “Ash vs. Evil Dead,” revealed during a reddit AMA just why Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash never came to fruition.

Aside from Freddy and Jason, were any other crossovers ever discussed for Ash? Always thought Evil Dead/Hellraiser would be good,” asked a reddit user.

Campbell answered, “I’ll be honest with you. I’m not real interested in crossovers. One of the main reasons why ‘Ash vs. Jason vs. Freddy’ did not come to pass is because we couldn’t control any other character other than Ash. That felt like a creatively bankrupt way to go. Not to mention, you’re splitting the proceeds three ways with partners you might not want.

Freddy Vs Jason Vs Ash



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