NSFW: The Bride of Frankenstein Reimagined; Sexiest and Bloodiest Photoshoot Ever!
Steady your nerves, horror fans, because I can guarantee you’ve NEVER seen The Bride of Frankenstein quite like this! UK site Horrify Me has created what is probably the most sensuously disturbing (how’s that for a combo?) depiction of The Bride we have ever seen.
Check out the extremely NOT SAFE FOR WORK Bride Photoshoot here, and dig on some non-nude but ridiculously gory samples below!
From the Press Release:
Throughout the year, the award-winning UK studio “Horrify Me” transforms clients into horrific zombies and vampires for dramatic portrait shoots as well as conducting commission work, but every Halloween they pull out all the stops and create a sensational project. Last Halloween, Horrify Me decided to celebrate the 35th anniversary of Cannibal Holocaust with a tribute shoot of the Impaled Girl, which proved to be as controversial as it was popular.
For Halloween 2016, the Horrify Me team have created a brand new extreme vision of a true legendary icon of horror: The Bride of Frankenstein. Created as a showpiece set, this photo shoot exhibits the Bride as an erotic figure of surgical malpractice, with all her ghastly scars clearly on show. The sensual femininity on display is juxtaposed with cruel science, a patchwork woman built from dead body parts that is simultaneously beautiful and horrific.
The make-up took artist and photographer Rick Jones ten hours to complete, and then a further two hours to shoot. Rick’s wife Claire was in charge of hair, and the model Debbie Tolley patiently endured the long process to bring this amazing character to life.
Just, wow.