Witness Slow-Motion Decapitation and Dismemberment in Killing Floor 2 PS4 Pro Footage

What better way to experience slow-motion decapitations and dismemberment than with the upgraded graphical capabilities of the PS4 Pro? Some new gameplay footage from Killing Floor 2 gives us an idea of what to expect from the new system, and it’s pretty hot.
Killing Floor 2 will be released on November 18, 2016.
From the Press Release:
Tripwire Interactive is pleased to release brand new assets for its upcoming successful co-op sci-fi horror FPS game, KILLING FLOOR 2. Announced on-stage at the Sony PlayStation® Meeting in New York City last month, KILLING FLOOR 2 will be available at launch on the newly announced PlayStation®4 Pro computer entertainment system, in addition to the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system and PC platforms. Today’s announcement sees the debut of the first ever footage and images from KILLING FLOOR 2, enhanced for the PlayStation®4 Pro platform.
The PlayStation®4 Pro version of KILLING FLOOR 2 features the following enhancements:
·1800p checkboard rendering on 4K TV (3200×1800) optimized for 4K TVs
·Effectively supersampling and increased fps on HDTV
·Using additional memory to increased texture resolution to “Ultra Textures”
KILLING FLOOR 2 is developed by Tripwire Interactive and will be published by Deep Silver and Iceberg Interactive for the PlayStation®4 Pro, PlayStation®4, and PC. The game will be available globally on November 18, 2016.
Stay up-to-date with the latest KILLING FLOOR 2 news and information at www.killingfloor2.com.
You can also keep track of Tripwire Interactive at any of these online channels: www.tripwireinteractive.com, on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/tripwireinteractive, Twitter at https://twitter.com/TripwireInt , Instagram at http://instagram.com/tripwireinteractive and on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/user/tripwireinteractive.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YL3SMkGy3A]
Categorized:Horror Gaming News