New Infographic Explores What Horror Icons Do During Their Time Off


Oh, the banality of evil! That’s exactly what’s in store for you horror fiends in need of a chuckle as our friends over at Halloween Costumes have delved into the more ordinary side of being a horror icon.

Evil is the ideal, but life is long and doesn’t always go as planned. It comes with inherent banality, the boredom that fills those long hours in between the next devious plot, slashing, or scare. We’ve all been stuck at the grocery store after working a ten-hour night shift and had to wait in line behind the coupon lady as she meticulously counts each penny. We’ve all had to go to our nephew’s birthday party and make small talk when just hours before we took out an entire spaceship full of soldiers with nothing but our face-hugging hatchlings and a little mouth acid.

Horror stars are relatable because, in the end, they’re just like us. They have to deal with life as it is, not as it often should be. The classic films capture the terrifying glory of their careers, but what happens when the killing is done and horror stars have to fill their time with the usual fare? This is the rarely seen banal side of evil…

Design Credit: Jacob Kuddes

Horror Icons Day Off

The cursed video cassette rental business may be dying off, but Samara has decided to stick with it until the bitter end…

Horror Icons Day Off

Tired of waiting for the human child to bash the piñata’s face in, the Xenomorph took matters into his own hands.

Horror Icons Day Off

Vacation in a whole other dimension and enjoy the historic sights and culture of the Cenobites for yourself! Travel Agent Pinhead will take care of all the necessary reservations.

Horror Icons Day Off

Not again! Sadly, this happens to the Fly far more often than he’d like to admit.

Horror Icons Day Off

You’d think Freddy would be dead tired after staying up all night, but he can’t sleep because his mind won’t stop asking unanswerable existential questions.

Horror Icons Day Off

Teenagers these days seem to run faster than they used to, so Jason keeps in shape with marathon running. Someone even handed him off a drink!

Horror Icons Day Off

Looking for a way to give back to the community after all those murders, Michael Myers became a CPR mannequin for new unsuspecting lifeguards.

Horror Icons Day Off

The Babadook soon found out that self-publishing offers its own reward.



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